The Funambulist

2021 Rodríguez Aguilera, M. “Settler Colonialism, Racialized Territorial Dispossession, and Toxicity in Mexico” in The Funambulist. Politics of Space and Body. Printed Issue 35. May-June. Paris, France.

2022 For the Wild Podcast

“This week, guest Yoalli Rodriguez brings us to the Chacahua-Pastoría Lagoons in Oaxaca, Mexico, to investigate deep connections with land, ongoing colonial violence, and the grief that comes alongside loving a place. The Chacahua-Pastoría Lagoons have long been vital spaces for Black and Indigenous communities, but continued colonial strategies have altered and quartered off the landscape in favor of nationalist and capitalist interests. 

Following the thread lines of Yoalli’s research in and connection to Mexico, the conversation dives deep into an understanding of Mestizo geographies and the politics of refusal in the face of oppressive power. Understanding Mestizo geographies means understanding the land through a lens of community connection, rather than institutional dictation. Despite the institutional acts of violence that limit sensual and sensorial relationships with the land, people continue to make spaces of their own and lay claims to land that go against colonial rule. With this context, Yoalli and Ayana come to a heartening conversation about the importance of ecological grief, rage, and sadness.”

Black Perspectives

2020  English Version:  Rodríguez Aguilera, M.  and Jayson Porter  “On Dying Land: The Afterlife of Toxicity in an Afromexican Community” Black Ecologies Series, Black Perspectives blog by the African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS).

2020 Spanish Version: “En tierra moribunda: más allá de la toxicidad en una comunidad Afromexicana


2020   Rodríguez Aguilera, M.  and Jayson Porter “Mexico: Where Lagoons means Life and Death for Black and Indigenous people”

2022 Podcast: Racismo ambiental

Parte del proyecto “Antropología e historia de los racismo, las discriminaciones y las desigualdades” de LA Dirección de Etnología y Antropología Social del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH).


Cite Black Women-Podcast

En esta entrevista Yoalli Rodríguez, habla con Rosa María Castro lideresa y activista Afro-mexicana y con Itza Amanda Varela Huerta, profesora-investigadora del Colegio de México. Se hablan de temas sobre racismo en México, luchas de las mujeres negras en México, así como de su trabajo comunitario e intelectual. Además se habla sobre la demanda de reparación por parte del Estado mexicano. Esta conversación fue parte de la Conferencia de Contribuciones Intelectuales de Mujeres Negras a las Américas en Austin, TX, febrero de 2020.


Emancipated Podcast

Panel discussion “Environmental Racism, Gender, and Black Place-Making in Mexico's Costa Chica,” with filmmaker Ebony Bailey, Historian Jayson Maurice Porter, and Anthropologist Meztli Yoalli Rodríguez. Event: February 5, 2021. California State University, Northridge. Episode produced by Marta Valier.


Jornadas Contra el Racismo Heteropatriarcal

Panel público organizado por
Afroindoamérica Red Global Antirracista

10 de marzo, 2021


Sexto Conversatorio Insurgencias Feministas en Tiempos de Pandemia: Vidas Trans en América Latina.

Organizado por la Red de Feminismos Descoloniales. Noviembre 2021.


Reflexions urgents. La urbanitat en temps de la Covid-19

Organizado por
La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona, Spain


Latinx Spaces

2017. Rodríguez Aguilera, M. Gendered Necropolitics: On the Politics of Death Against Women in Mexico.

Latino Rebels

2014 Rodríguez Aguilera, M. Mexico´s 43 Missing Students: ‘Enough! We Are Tired of Being Afraid’ in LatinoRebels. U.S. November 10th